Thursday, September 29, 2011

The colors changed today...

"God, I look to You! I won't be overwhelmed.
 Give me vision, to see things like You do!" ~ Jen Johnson

                    Photo by Heath Cates, all rights reserved.

I'm sure I thought I'd never update this blog again. While I still enjoy waxing poetic from time to time (or at least attempting), it seems that the M3 year didn't allow for the time to write it out, format a photo and insert a quote...I guess my yearning for perfection got the best of me again.

So here I am, a year later, and a year different from where I was last year. At this point, I'm sending off residency applications, anxiously awaiting to hear back on interview scheduling, and basically finishing up the last few "check boxes" I have in my medical school training. So in May of next year, I will walk onto a stage as a medical student, and walk off as a physician...terrifying as it may be for me to accept that responsibility!

Spending this week at Kosair Children's working as an acting intern has truly cemented my drive to finish this thing strong and pursue the pediatric residency with all I've got. It's amazing how passion turns work into fulfillment, I pray I never lose that. Although spending the time away from my wife this month is one of the harder things we've had to do, I know it's for the best for right now. Completing this training should bolster my application for residency, and I pray God uses my "utmost for His highest" in this situation.

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful photo....I remember that lovely fall day, with you, in Asheville!

    I am extremely proud of you. You're becoming the doctor that God has called you to be more everyday! xoxo
